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And Here’s What’s Next!

There is always that question burning a hole in people’s minds once someone ends one chapter of their life… “What’s Next?”

Since I returned home from the World Race in July, I have dreaded that question while simultaneously trying to plan my life myself so I could have an answer for that question instead of giving the “I don’t know” answer. Several times, the Lord said “Please stop and let me.” and my favorite, “Quit trying to plan your life…be still…be patient…let me plan what I want for you.”

So there I was at Project Searchlight listening to this guy share about yet another option AIM had for us after coming off the field. I went to PSL with no intention of moving to Georgia…funny enough, God has a way of changing our plans into what He wants. Needless to say, I ended up at the breakout session over lunch and as soon as the meeting was over, I found myself at the front of the room writing my name on a sign-up sheet for in-person interviews that next day.

And here I am.

In 1 week, I am moving to Gainesville, Georgia for 8 months to take part in Center for Global Action (CGA). CGA is “An 8-month leadership and discipleship program that equips followers of Christ to recreate biblical community through teachings, scripture, and activation. The Center for Global Action exists to mobilize a generation to be passionate followers of Jesus who live out their faith whether at home, professionally, or church planting overseas.” I will be a part of Worship Track doing life with some amazing people. If you want to check it out yourself, you can go to:

Saying all of this, I need your help. The total cost is $8,650 and my first deadline is in 1 week when I move in and I need $3,000. Please prayerfully consider donating or even joining alongside me in prayer on this next part of my journey.

How you can donate:

Send a check by mail to PO BOX 742570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. Be sure to write the check to Adventures in Missions and put my name (Marybeth Roberson) in the memo line.

Give online donations through credit:, go to the “Mission Trip Participant” link and choose the Center for Global Action (CGA) program.

Give monthly donations through their bank account: